Minucius felix octavius pdf

The author hardly anything is known of marcus minucius felix, author of the octavius, and competitor with lactantius for the title of the christian cicero. Of the literary character of the dialogue, it is sufficient to quote the testimony of the late dean milman. Iv, minucius felix the octavius of minucius felix minucius felix robert ernest wallis. A roman lawyer, he wrote the octavius, a dialogue on providence and christianity in general, between the skeptic pagan caecilius natalis and the christian octavius januarius, minucius friend. Please enter your email address associated with your salem allpass account, then click continue. Minucius felix serves as moderator and narrator of the dialogue. Minucius relates how delightful to him is the recollection of the things that had happened to him with octavius while he was. His octavius has numerous points of agreement with the apologeticum of tertullian, similarities that have been explained by the theory of a common source an apology written in latin, and which is supposed to have disappeared without leaving any trace, not. Marcus minucius felix christian apologist britannica. The octavius gives an account of a debate, apparently mediated by minucius felix, between octavius. Preserved by the slenderest of threads, the little book describes three friends walking along the beach at ostia, and then holding a ciceronian debate about the truth or falsehood.

Nothing is known of his personal history, and even the date at which he wrote can be only approximately ascertained as between ad 150 and 270. His only known work, the dialogue octavius, is one of the earliest examples of latin apologetics. The later date was the one adopted by earlier critics, and the reasons for it are well given by mr. The octavius by minucius felix is an apology for the christian religion. The octavius of minucius felix is a defence of christianity demonstrating that the faith is reasonable for and relevant to cultured and educated romans. Minucius relates how delightful to him is the recollection of the things that had happened to him with octavius while he was associated with him at rome, and especially of this disputation. Roman lawyer, he wrote the octavius, a dialogue on providence and christianity in general, between the skeptic pagan caecilius natalis and the christian octavius januarius, minucius friend. Initsattempted amalgamationofdeities,syncretism,sofarfromre conciling. Antenicene fathersvolume ivminucius felixintroductory note. This work is licensed under a creative commons attributionsharealike 3. Octavius, if you are going to sit in judgment against me as ignorant, i say that it is plain that all things in human affairs are doubtful, uncertain, and unsettled, so that most things are more probable than true. The dialogue form of the octavius of minucius felix. The volume is completed with a latin text and pleasant english translation of the octavius of minucius felix. Full text of the octavius of minucius felix internet archive.

Octavius, displeased at the act of this superstitious man, sharply reproaches minucius, on the ground that the disgrace of this wicked deed is reflected not less on himself, as caeciliuss host, than on caecilius. This last work deserves to be better known than it is. Illic vocabulis opus est, cum per singulos propriis appellationum insignibus multitudo dirimenda est. Either tertullian dependend on this apology, making it perhaps the earliest piece of. If, on the other hand, tertullian borrowed from minucius, the octavius was written probably about the year 166, and minucius flourished in the reign of marcus aurelius. Octavius by minucius, an early christian writer of unknown date, is a debate between belief and unbelief that depicts roman religion and society. It has been the subject of numerous books and articles which deal with most problems related to textual criticism, grammar, style, and various influences of previous authors. Minucius felix was a roman advocate, rhetorician, and christian apologist. Antenicene fathersvolume ivminucius felixthe octavius of. Minucius felix encyclopedia volume catholic online. Minucius felix, marcus, octavius, chapter 1, section 1. Nov 07, 2014 like justin martyr, marcus minucius felix did not have a leadership role in the church. A commentary on selected sections of the octavius of minucius. Octavius is an early writing in defense of christianity by marcus minucius felix.

Minucius felix, christian apologist, flourished between 160 and 300. This short apology, or defense of the christian faith, is the sole surviving work of marcus minucius felix. It is not the part of a good man, my brother marcus, so. The octavius gives an account of a debate, apparently mediated by minucius felix, between octavius januarius, a christian convert, and q. I had purchased felix s the octavius alongside a work by patrick brantlinger entitled dark vanishings. Az ostiaban jatszodo parbeszed resztvevoi caecilius natalis pogany ugyved, octavius januarius kereszteny ugyved, valamint e ketto vitajaban dontobirokent eljaro, szinten kereszteny minucius felix. Getitelte obroschur, papier nachgedunkelt, sauberes exemplar. Adolf ebert in his paper, tertullians verhaltniss zu minucius felix, leipzig, 1868.

Apr 17, 2012 if, on the other hand, tertullian borrowed from minucius, the octavius was written probably about the year 166, and minucius flourished in the reign of marcus aurelius. Octavius attempts to give the reasons he has for his own beliefs and answer caecilius critiques. Tertullians works illustrate how montanist rigorism was only an exaggeration of the puritanism characteristic of christians as a whole. Liinuciusfelix,marcusofthedialogue,isfirstmentioned bylactantiusinstit. His octavius has numerous points of agreement with the apologeticum of tertullian, similarities that have been explained by the theory of a common source an apology written in latin, and which is supposed to have disappeared without leaving any trace, not even in the name of its author. Marcus minucius felix, octavius vi judaism and rome. Discourse on the extinction of primitive races, 18001930 which also explores related themes of how colonial hegemonycultural domination purposes to extinguish what it sees as lesser cultures. Of the dialogue form of the octavius of minucius felix.

He wrote octavius, a dialogue between a christian octavius januarius and a pagan caecilius natalis. The octavius by the roman lawyer, marcus minucius felix, is an apology for christianity in the form of a dialogue between the christian octavius and the pagan caecilius on a trip from rome to ostia. Like lactantius, minucius was a convert to christianity. Minucius felix octavius university of wales trinity saint david. Caecilius natalis, a pagan there was a magistrate of this name at cirta, in north africa, in around 210 ce, where minucius felix is thought to have come from originally. It is written in the form of a dialogue between the pagan caecilius natalis and the christian octavius januarius, a provincial lawyer, the friend and fellowstudent of the author. No one knows whether the octavius is fiction or nonfiction. Either tertullian dependend on this apology, making it perhaps the earliest piece of extant christian latin literature, or the author of this apology depended on tertullian. A mu parbeszedes formaban mutatja be a korai keresztenyseg es az ezt tamado pogany gondolkodok fobb erveit. Its value and originality the octavius is a classic in the field of ancient christian latin apologies.

The author marcus minucius felix plays the role of referee and observer. Christian apologist, flourished between 160 and 300. Caecilius natalis, on the validity and merits of pagan and christian beliefs. Minucius felix internet encyclopedia of philosophy. The octavius a christian debate by minucius felix a. Either way, minucius felix, an otherwise unknown christian from the 2nd or early 3rd century, ably defends christianity against roman arguments, superstition, and rumors. An xml version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer perseus any modifications you make. Marcus minucius felix, one of the earliest christian apologists to write in latin. The octavius of minucius felix is a defence of christianity demonstrating that the faith is reasonable. This is one of the earliest latin texts to talk about christianity, and describe how the new religion fit in the wider social context of the roman world. Mar 09, 20 open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Publication date 1919 topics apologetics history early church, ca. Written roughly around the year 200, the essay is framed around two friendsofafriend arguing the relative merits of paganism and christianity while they sit by the sea.

Minucius felix, marcus, author of the dialogue octavius, which, in spite of its lack of originality, and profound theological intuition, occupies a prominent place among the ancient apologies of the latin church, both on account of its genuine enthusiasm and elegant form, and on account of the clear and pointed manner in which it presents and refutes all the various objections to. Lateinischer text, erlauterungen im anhang in deutscher sprache. Polytheism,initscosmopolitandevelop ments,passedsentenceonitself. The latin defence of the faith entitled octavius by the north african christian, minucius felix, owes much to tertullian but is presented in a less aggressive fashion. The octavius of minucius felix by minucius felix, marcus. Nov 26, 2012 the octavius of minucius felix chapter 1 155888 antenicene fathers vol. The name minucius felix has been found on inscriptions at tebessa and carthage cor. This is one of the earliest latin texts to talk about christianity, and describe how the new religion fit. Written for educated nonchristians, the arguments are borrowed chiefly from. It is couched in the form of a dialogue with two protagonists, caecilius, the pagan, and octavius, the christian, with the author, minucius felix, as an impartial arbiter.

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